Brigid was born and raised in Winnipeg in a serene rural-like setting and spent summer weekends at Hillside Beach. She would spend hours walking in the soft sand combing the beach for treasures while listening to the waves of Lake Winnipeg. Her love of nature is what inspires her work.
Much of Brigid’s work is upcycled. She finds it very satisfying to transform castaway items into something beautiful and preventing them from being condemned to a life at landfill sites.
Brigid has always been drawn to the beauty of glass. She is attracted to the many colors, textures, and its relationship to light. Over the years Brigidís fascination with glass has grown and has led her to pursue and experiment with different methods of manipulating glass. Currently her work primarily consists of fused and stained glass as well as mosaics.
She has been mentored by George Shannon of George W. Shannon Designs where she is currently working as a glass apprentice.