Richard (Rick) Cline has a deep respect for nature and the land we live in. He grew up in Glenboro Manitoba, hiking, camping and hunting in the Spruce Woods area. As a child he was inspired by his mother”s artistic talents. Art started with drawing cartoons which changed to realistic drawing entered in local town fairs. Rick worked as a Game Warden for over thirty years in many areas of Manitoba including Riverton, Lynn Lake, Gillam and Virden. This provided Rick with an understanding of Manitoba’s wilderness and ecosystems.
Rick comments now that he worked in and observed nature for many years, but through his paintings sees nature and wildlife more clearly and defined. Rick’s interest in art in his retirement has developed and evolved to his current style of classical realism. He currently lives with his wife Heather near Seven Sisters Falls. Besides his mother, Rick’s inspiration to create has come from the likes of Canadian Wildlife artists Robert Bateman, Terry Issac, as well as renaissance master artists like Rembrandt and da Vinci. Rick had the opportunity to attend Robert Bateman’s Master Artist Seminars in Oct. 2017. This once in a lifetime opportunity to explore Batemans ideas and techniques has increased Rick’s knowledge and ability.
Rick enjoys art that shows a natural realistic image of the work being created. Through his art, he hopes to demonstrate to others the unique beauty of nature that he has been fortunate to experience and hold dear. Rick’s attention to details, respect, and love of the natural world is displayed in each of his paintings. Since retirement Rick has completed many paintings for family, fundraisers, and commissions for people around North America who appreciate his style and for those who request a painting.