Diane is a retired Social Worker who has lived at Hillside Beach for the past 27 years. She has become a self-taught photographer working toward enhancing her natural “good eye” with the technical skills necessary to bring her visions to life. She has had the privilege of travelling throughout North America, several countries in Africa and much of Central and South America, as well as the dream trip that ignited her desire to bring home what she sees – Antarctica. Diane’s primary subjects are landscapes, flowers, and wildlife but her many pets and the occasional human also pop up every once in a while.
Envisioning retirement as an opportunity to try something different as well as make a difference, she started Chickadee Lane Photography, combining her desire to share her experiences with a means of donating to local charities. Finding a way to get her photographs into a tangible, reasonably priced product became the goal of her not-for-profit business with proceeds from every sale going to charity. She makes prints and greeting cards from her photographs and sells them through her website, at craft sales, and at a local business – Carol’s on Leon across from Traverse Bay corner.
“What I love about my photography is capturing the natural beauty of our world that many people will never have the opportunity to see as well the little moments in our local areas that most people just walk by”.
She makes the invisible visible to more of us.
Diane’s work is available in person, through her Chickadee Lane Photography website (http://chickadeelanephotography.zenfolio.com ), at various arts and crafts sales and at Carol’s on Leon Gift Shop across from Traverse Bay Corner.