From March to October, Jane paints in her veranda in the Boreal Forest by Lake Winnipeg. In the winter she has a studio at a retreat centre on the Assiniboine River.
Every day, on her walks and right outside her window, nature imparts a lesson about birth, life, death and renewal. The ice on the lake or river melts, a tiny wildflower appears, the birds date and mate once more. Fireflies and bees are buzzy and busy. The crow robs the warblers nest. The days cool, the leaves let go, the bears get sleepy, and snow comes. Rest and renewal is the gift of winter. Time to go indoors, make soup and connect with friends. Whatever her subject matter, Jane’s internalized observations of the passing days and life around her become her painted words.
For Jane, a good day in the studio is lots of paint and ideas, and the muse right there at hand. The truth is that most days are both fulfilling and challenging. Days in the studio can range from periods of energy, purpose and satisfaction to days of just general mucking about with what seems like little progress. Like the seasons there are times of growth and times of rest, watching attentively and waiting for something new to be born.
Jane makes both abstract and semi abstract art, using acrylics, cold wax/oil paint, and mixed media.
She has participated in solo and group shows in Canada and the USA. Her art is in public and private collections.
More about Jane and her art can be seen online at http://www.janegateson.com, Jane Gateson and Jane Gateson Art (facebook) or on instagram. She is represented by Soul Gallery and Warehouse Artworks in Winnipeg and Poor Michael’s in Onanole, MB. Come and visit her during the Boreal Shores Art Tour, or in her Winnipeg studio!
Website: Jane Gateson
Facebook: Jane Gateson Art
Instagram: Gateson Jane