Trish is happy to be back at the Boreal Shores Art Tour for 2024. In the winter she creates out of her home studio and in the spring, summer and autumn months she creates from her cottage studio that her family and her affectionately call Trish’s Art shed. Art has always been a very important part of her life even as young girl. Her mother always encouraged her creative abilities and together they explored a variety of art media. Trish is a mother, artist, teacher, and writer. She embeds art in all the roles that she takes on. She is inspired by the world around her so inspiration comes easily. While in art school her painting interest and focus was interiors and chairs. Even though her art subjects have changed her interest in her art subject whether it be a pileated woodpecker, hummingbird or a chair and its relationship with the world and objects around them is what holds her interest.

Trish’s inspiration for art has changed and evolved throughout the years. Her interest in the environment whether it be saving Lake Winnipeg, saving the beaches or polar bears has been a great influence on her artwork. She is often found along the shores of Lake Winnipeg with her camera in search of a little red fox, a pelican, a chickadee. Currently fascinated by landscapes, wildlife and the beauty of nature and how light changes and bounces of trees and birds and beaches. Her goal with her painting is to capture that one simple moment in time and evoke the beauty of that moment.

“There’s something special about being out in nature. While painting I try to capture the essence and the feeling of being in that moment. I love to play with the colours and the light of that moment.”

Throughout her art career she has worked with a great variety of art media from paint to textiles to cyanotype and to clay. Currently she primarily work with oil paint, watercolour as well as, cyanotype and pen and ink. She enjoys finding and repurposing a variety of things to paint on. She loves painting on different surfaces and using different textures. Recently she found birch bark from a tree fallen in a storm and has been using it as her canvas.

Her Artwork can be found in private collections across Canada and internationally. To find out more about Trish and her creative journey check out her her web page at or follow her on Instagram @trishsartshed and on Facebook. This year she is looking forwards to sharing her artwork from her cottage garden and studio.